Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Thirdborn

My Thirdborn is 9 today. This kid caused me great pain when he was born (my epidural didn't work so I gave birth to him with no drugs).
Good thing I love him.

This is my child who always shows his love and appreciation over my cooking.

He has been looking forward to this day for weeks.

I just hope he survives it without torching his eyebrows off.

Happy birthday, my dear, sweet child. Heavenly Father blessed me the day he loaned you to me. He knew I would need you.


Wendy said...

Loved all the pictures. EXCEPT, it looks like one child is pouring wine for the other one! He He He (:

Ginger Johnson said...

Did he get Samuel's package? Samuel was flipping out this morning, looking for his shirt from #3. He *had* to wear it today or else the entire world was going to burst into flames and keel over. Happy birthday to him!

Emma Barlow said...

Happy birthday cuz can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks