Half of the bday invites went out today. The rest weren't home so we'll try to catch them either tonight or tomorrow. The Love Magnet had a great time going up to each door ("B
y myself, Mom. You stay in da car.") and hand delivering each invitation.
Firstborn has been hired as lifeguard for our beach party. He might be persuaded to MC some fun water games. Maybe.
Food will be kahlua pork over rice (not authentic, but I don't think 8 yr olds will care), fruit kabobs with dip, pineapple juice, and cupcakes. The Love Magnet loves rice. She loves fruit. She loves cupcakes when they have birthday candles in them.
I'll stop at the party store for leis and beach party favors. Perhaps I'll pick up balloons to tie on everyone's towell with a gator clip. We'll throw in some flavored Chapstick. The Love Magnet thinks that all beauty routines must start and end with flavored, tinted Chapstick. She keeps two in her
high school stuff everywhere she goes.