Saturday, September 04, 2010

Perfect Day

We went back to the state park today where Mr. Wonderful and the boys dropped off the turtle.
Labor Day weekend, the nicest day the weatherman predicted all weekend, and yet the park was not crowded. Oh perfect day.
Secondborn and The Love Magnet went swimming in the cold, cold water.

I scoped out the area for our family reunion to be held next summer. This place looks perfect.

Doggie girl had a great time swimming and catching balls.

I laid under the oak tree.

Secondborn took good care of The Love Magnet.
Thirdborn was determined to catch a few of the tiny fish swimming near the shore.

I wondered at the monolith with no name. What on earth is it for?

The Love Magnet decided she was cold and bundled up in swim towels.

We ended the day with a few runs on the water slide before heading home.
Perfect, quiet, sunny, summer day.


Kimberly said...

This should be a travel ad. Looks like fun!

Angela said...

That does look like the perfect day. We have a perfect weather day here today but I am spending it indoors watching football..I guess I should say goodbye to my summer since I've decided to not come out and play