Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For Sale: Home

Our house is officially on the market this morning. I have to clean up the breakfast dishes and then run through the house picking up random things that somehow found themselves on the floor in the middle of the night. My kids claim that they didn't put them there.

I spend yesterday afternoon with a paintbrush in my hand meticulously going over all of DD's Picasso Moments. It took two coats of paint in one instance but it looks much better. I also painted over the footprints (yes, footprints ) on the walls. Again, my kids claim that they didn't put them there.

While I scrubbed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, DH rallied the troops with bedroom and bathroom cleaning. Yet another box went out to the garage, destined for DI. While checking under the beds he found odds and ends of food and wrappers from various treats. Of course, my kids claim that they didn't put them there.

We must be a real life Family Circle. Just like the comic family, Not Me (an invisible entity) lives at our house. Not Me leaves toys on the floor, footprints on the walls, and candy wrappers under the beds. I wonder if Not Me is also responsible for spilled cereal in the pantry, socks stuffed between couch cushions (because Not Me doesn't like to fold them), and sports equipment dumped in the middle of the driveway?

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