Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Gratitudes
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1. I am grateful that DD is still safe and sound after wandering once and being accused of wandering twice. While I am here I have to write how grateful I am for good neighbors who will drop everything and come help me search for her. I didn't know it at the time, but DNDN knocked on doors and had half the neighborhood out looking for DD. It seems that I have a lot of cookies to bake tomorrow as we are taking plates and thank you notes to those who helped.

2. This past weekend was my 20th high school reunion. It was wonderful to see good friends I had lost track of there and to discover that we still were really great friends. I have to admit that I am also grateful that the cutest cheerleaders of 20 yrs ago now have Mommy Bodies just like me.

3. Along with discovering old friends this weekend it was a bit shocking to hear of how many class mates were divorced (The record was 4 times - and she got a prize for it!) I am so grateful for my marriage of 16 yrs to Mr. Wonderful. He is my love and my best friend. He always makes me feel beautiful and loved.

4. I always pray for non eventful travels when I go long distances. My 5 1/2 hour drive to there and back were non eventful. I am very grateful that we were able to avoid a crazy truck driver doing at least 85 mph in a 65 mph zone. (Why are the craziest drivers driving the biggest vehicles?)

5. I am grateful for my in-loves. (In-laws seems such an obligated word as if I were stuck with them, while In-Loves is more of what I have - people I love dearly. DH's parents are wonderful. They truly love us and were so willing to help with the kids this weekend so DH and I could attend the reunion activities. My In-Loves have been pulling weeds and taking care of things at the house we are selling, trying to make it more pleasing to buyers. They are constantly thinking of ways to help us. We felt so welcome in their home this past weekend.

6. This past week DH and I were out doing errands and saw a RED rainbow. The sun was setting, it was cloudy and sprinkling. The rays of the sun blocked out all colors but red. It was a full-arched red rainbow.

7. My Darling Grandma has been put into a nursing facility for two weeks to monitor her meds and evaluate her condition so her family can make some decisions regarding her care. I thought Grandma would be angry when we visited her yesterday. She wasn't happy at the news she had to stay there for two weeks, but she seemed to be doing well. She pointed out a woman who buzzed us in the locked front door and told me how sweet that woman was to her. Grandma also pointed out a man with a ponytail to tell me what "a nice young man he is, and so polite, too!" I am so thankful to know that good people will be looking out for her during her two week stay.

8. While I am thinking about Grandma, I have to give thanks that Grandma and my Mom taught me how to bottle, freeze, dry and preserve. I want to start canning in the next two weeks. The pears are starting to show in the farmers market. I am also planning on salsa, peaches and jams: raspberry, pineapple-peach, pear, and plum-vanilla. I am sure I will freeze some fruit, too. I want to get to the church cannery to do spaghetti sauce, stew and turkey chunks. I am looking forward to organizing my food storage this fall and then planning the garden out during the winter months, while DH and the boys build food storage shelves.

9. Grandma also taught me how to make Swedish Pancakes. This is my kid's favorite breakfast and a tradition that will be carried on with their kids. My mind has been so full of Grandma this past week and how much she continues to affect my thinking and my life. As kids we always requested Swedish Pancakes when sleeping over at her house. There is also the Christmas Cruellers recipe that I still make for neighbors who are lucky enough to be home when I take them out of the oil, sprinkle with lemon or vanilla sugar and deliver them hot to their door (they aren't nearly as good cold so the neighbors who aren't home miss out.)

10. My daughter had her twice-yearly visit to the PCMC Cardiology department. They did the usual chest x-rays and an EKG (the echocardiogram happens every other visit). We have a new surgeon with whom DD got along well. He was pleased with her x-ray and said that her heart had not enlarged more. He was also pleased with her weight gain and growth. Dr. gave DD a high five (she also insisted on a hug) and said "See you in six months". I REALLY like non eventful cardiology visits, too.

1 comment:

Haley said...

It's so nice that you're close enough to travel back for reunions and other situations. I'm hoping that we eventually get there. I remember my mom taking my sis for her cards visit. I think it was only once every five years (I could totally be wrong when she was little), but it was a big event. I'm glad it was uneventful. A red rainbow? PRETTY!