Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday Gratitudes (on a Monday)

I'm grateful for datenight. I put together a group to continue on the tradition of game night here. These people are great fun. The food is fabulous (there has been a small competition going on for bragging rights to the best meal - I think its a three-way tie so far). Last night I made a Blackberry Almond Tort based on a recipe I found here. Since there wasn't flour in the sponge cake ingredients list (I thought it might be an error) I used the sponge cake recipe from America's Test Kitchen Best New Recipes cookbook. The cake turned out divine. I had enough pastry cream left over to make a trifle for Family Home Evening treat tonight.
I started running last week. It will still be uber hard for another week or two but persistence will pay off. I'm so grateful that K got me started on running. I never would have dared try on my own if it weren't for her. My sweet sis-in-love has registered for the Richmond Marathon in November. She told me that they also have a half marathon and suggested I come with her. Hmmm. Seriously considering.....
The weather has been warming up. My tulips are starting to poke out of the ground, including the tulips I planted a year after I bought the bulbs. So here is gratitude that the bulbs are forgiving. I absolutely love spring flowers.
This week past week was harder than most. My boys and Mr. Wonderful were so good at helping out. Or should I say that Mr. Wonderful was great in rallying the troops to help out? In any case the kitchen was clean and the carpets vacuumed. I'm grateful for my family's love and support. Now I am making it up to them by getting the laundry done today.


Haley said...

Come, come, COME! I'm so glad you're considering it. I'll just keep hounding until I get what I want. ;) I'm glad you haven't packed your bags at the mention of us possibly heading to Boise in a few years.


Ok! REally Super Mom you really need to slow down. I can't catch up with you running, mothering, being a realy super wife, chef, and student etc...... I need some tips.



JJ (Lady Di) said...

Yes, you should come to Richmond. :)