Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sunday Gratitudes


1. New Friends. Last night we went out with the parent's of Firstborn's best friend. They were a lot of fun to be with and we had much in common. I see a new Game Night Group getting started in my future! We had dinner at a great restaurant. Lobster cakes. Hangerman trout with a vanilla sauce. Skirt steak drizzled with chimichurri sauce and served with garlic mashed potatoes. White Chocolate Bread Pudding. Mmmmmmm.

2. Talking a walk in the rain with my furry personal trainer. Doggie Girl likes the rain as much as I do and loves getting out whenever she can. Our subdivision is full of trails that make walking a pleasure. The only downer was Doggie Girl's constant urge to chase ducks or cats. At least the vigorous pace she sets will offset my overeating on date night.

3. My compassionate kids. I stubbed my toe on a suitcase this afternoon. As I laid on the stair landing, holding my foot and groaning in pain (hey, it HURT!), Thirdborn and Love Magnet sat down by me and covered my forehead in kisses. Love Magnet asked if that made it all better. I think it made the pain disappear pretty darn quick.

4. Homemade bread. I just checkout out a bunch of new-to-me baking books from the library. With those recipes (and the help of my dear Aunt who teaches bread baking classes at the local cooking store)I am determined to become a fabulous baker. I have a wheat grinder and I know how to use it! I love the smell of homemade bread. Even more, I love the look on Mr. Wonderful's face when he smells homemade bread as he comes home from work. Tomorrow's project: Anadama Bread. I already know I can bake that recipe without failure.

5. The smell of Sunday Dinner cooking on Fast Sunday. You know what I mean.

6. Our vacations this summer will be centered around exploring our new state. We're looking at hiking books, tourist books, places-to-go-and-things-to-do books. I'm grateful that someone else put out the effort to research this so we can reap the benefits. I'm really looking forward to expanding my horizons beyond the 10 mile bubble I've been living in this past year.

7. We had our first family swim at the neighborhood pool yesterday. The kids had a great time. It was fun just to be together.

8. My ward had an Enrichment Night about food storage, gardening, and living within our means. It was great to get ideas for my garden and food storage. I loved the tasting table, especially the Cream-Filled Oatmeal Bars. Mmmmm. I will be posting that recipe soon. The best part of the evening was just being with the other women at my church. They all have talents that put me in awe.

9. Out local library. I never thought much about how blessed we are to have so many books until the post on my parents blog about purchasing books for a school (see the October 18, 2007 post). I love taking the kids to the library in the summer and participating in every program they have.

10. Garden colors: green plants, black earth. Soon we'll have more colors.

What are you grateful for?

1 comment:

Julie Freeman said...

I agree about Emily's oatmeal bars those were amazing. I hear she is quite the cook. We will have to get some more recipes from her. Hey I noticed the library was on your list and wondered if Kerry Smith has ever talked to you about the friends of the library. All I do is a book sale once a month for a couple of hours and go to a meeting for a few hours and I get to help decide where the money goes that we raise. I also get first dibs on the donated books. It is a really fun thing for us if you are interested it would be fun to have you join!