Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hooray for uneventful travels -

We made it safely to Salt Lake City. DD seems to think this is a great vacation. Grandma and Grandpa had her favorite mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. DD doesn't have to share any of the toys and she is getting all of the attention. There is a small victory in her playing.... She is dressing the dolls. I believe I posted a year ago that DD loved to undress her dolls, but it was too hard for her to put their clothes back on the dolls. Tonight she is meticulously dressing the dolls, planning coordinated and ultra-hip styles. She is also insisting on doing everything "by myself, Mom!!"

Looks like my evening will be spent crocheting more baby hats and checking emails......


Anna said...

Carrie, would you like visitors while you guys are here in the hospital or not? I didn't realize it was going to be in Utah until I saw this post. I'd love to come see you and lend some support but I'm not sure if that would be more stressful. Let me know.

ks said...

I'm just a lurker and came across your blog today and felt drawn to comment.

It seems we have a few things in common.. I, too, have three boys and a girl, although my daughter is the oldest, and she has DS as in DiGeorge Syndrome... oh, and she is a kindergartener too. And she has had open heart surgery also.

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I think the worst part was handing her over to the docs, followed by what seemed like endless waiting.

You're in my thoughts and prayers...

The Country Mouse said...

So glad you made it safely. I am praying for all of you constantly. Long-distance hugs from Ohio!

Tammy and Parker said...

Okay. What day is surgery day? Keep me in the loop, k?

The Mom said...

Praying for your sweet girl Carrie! She's going to come through with flying colors! Keeping you all in our prayers for an uneventful and successful surgery and complication free recovery. Let me know how long you'll be up there, I really would love to visit!!!


Michelle Johnson said...

I'm so glad that you got down there safely. We miss you already! I'm glad dd is having a good time and thinks she's on vacation. That will keep her healthy. :)