I can't believe I said that.
Not that. (Looking at the title.) THAT! (looking below)
In Comm class today we were talking about misunderstood communication. Professor was relating an experience about conversing online. She wrote down the following letters on the white board and asked if anyone knew what they stood for:
(I can just see my online Cookies, hands waving wildly in the air, jumping up and down and yelling "I know! Oh, I know!")
No one knew but me. "They stand for Dear Daughter and Dear Husband". Impressed sounds emitted from the class. They were amazed that the nontraditional anti-texting student was so wise.
My teacher asked if they meant anything else.
"Well, it could also mean D*mn Husband, depending on how mad you were at him".
*me thinking to myself* I meant to say Darn Husband. Really I did!...I don't swear...I can't believe I just said that.....
The professor went on as if nothing had happened. I was thoroughly mortified. (I am sure my Cookies are shocked. My family will be shocked. I know, I need to repent...)
I participated in the class more today and sounded fairly intelligent, talking about rhetoric. I wasn't sure if I should apologize to the class for swearing. I took the coward's way out and apologized to the professor after the class. She was very gracious and hopefully understood when I repeated that I do not swear, that I do not have that kind of vocabulary.
I called Dear Husband (I would NEVER call him that other word) aka Mr. Wonderful on the way home to relate the story. He laughed. He told me it was a Freudian slip.
I didn't realize until now what he meant. Should I get him flowers? Make his favorite dinner? While I figure out a way to apologize, I am sure he is still laughing about it.