Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Brain Is Mush

As I have tried to balance homework and study with housework, soccer practices and games, church callings, kids homework, training for my 5K (one week from Saturday!) and the Grand Central Station busyness of my phone ringing: I am feeling overwhelmed.

I had a Psych paper due last Tuesday and my first Psych exam today. Tons of study planned for this weekend for a Anatomy & Physiology Lecture exam next week followed by another Psych paper, A&P lab exam, and my first Art exam the following week.

I have been on my knees a lot the past week, asking for help to remember what I study (especially A&P), and for the ability to do everything I need to.

Things aren't getting done around the house as I am still learning how to juggle. Mr. Wonderful has been awfully patient. Last night, after listening to me vent about everything, he reminded me that things would not get easier, but that my ability to handle things would increase. I sure hope that happens soon.

In the meantime, my brain is mush. I feel like I am not retaining much. Tomorrow I will be attending the A&P tutorial available at school. Mr. Wonderful has offered to help me study this weekend. We have a datenight planned to hopefully help the two of us de-stress. We also have soccer games, 5K training, housework to catch up, swim training, .....I'm sure something else will pop up. The Love Magnet has been begging for dance or gymnastic classes. I have no idea when I can fit that in, too. She needs something.

I am looking forward more and more to keeping the Sabbath holy. I really need that day of rest.
(Okay, truly I will get off this pity party. I know there are other moms out there much more busy than I am. I know there are moms that have many more challenges that I do. Sunday will be a good day to really count my blessings.)

One blessing I just have to count right now: two days ago my trainer Kaidree and my running partner Kerry sent me flowers to let me know that they were thinking of me. I loved the flowers. I really loved the note. Every time I look at the flowers and note I feel lighter.


Ginger Johnson said...

Carrie, it will get easier to deal. Trust me. And you will not get everything done. Accept that, as it's just a fact of life when you are in school. But your family will be fine, your DDDH will be supportive (a few extra D's in there), and you are right--Sundays will become a huge blessing "Man was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath made for man..." And your brain WILL become less mushy. It just needs some training, like your running muscles. Hang in there, friend. Sending you cyber cheesecake. xo

Tandy said...

Hey Carrie, just some more encouragement coming from another mom/wife/student/homemaker/family coordinator. Yes, it will get easier, and no, you won't get everything done. I can pretty much just say "ditto" to everything spice girl said. You'll find what works for you and your family, you'll figure out what things can just wait, you'll still be a fabulous mom and wife. :)

The first couple of weeks of nursing school (just in January) I could literally feel my brain fighting everything I was cramming into it - almost like a cold car engine that doesn't want to start up. I had the same headache for weeks. This meant a big adjustment/learning curve for everyone in my little family. I figured out my routine, how to work my studying into my family life, and we managed to get through it. It can be done! I am having to remind myself of that right now, as I'm struggling with a more intense course load and more clinicals this semester than I had in the spring.

Good luck with everything!!!

Angela said...

And you thought it would be a good idea to take 18 credit hours. Hah!